Odds Of Blackjack Hands
Odds Of Blackjack Hands Average ratng: 3,5/5 7932 reviews

Another interesting odds percentage which deserves mentioning is the one that concerns your probability of getting the highest paying combination – blackjack. It has been calculated that the probability of receiving an ace and a 10-valued card from the initial deal in a single deck game is 4.83% and if the game is played with two decks – 4.77%. Your chance of winning the next hand in blackjack is about 48% (excluding ties), regardless of what happened in previous hands. The only time you should bet more in blackjack is when you know you have the best of it (i.e., by card counting - check your skills with the card counting trainer) and not when you think that you are “due to win.”.
Odds Of Losing 10 Blackjack Hands In A Row

Odds Of Poker Hands 9 Person Table
Was playing a 6D game, PA rules, with 3 players/spots at table, and won 13 hands in a row at the back end of a shoe. The streak started in a neg count but the count was increasing and went above the pivot point for 4-5 hands and was able to get some decent money out there (not to max bet though). The count fell to negative again so I dropped back to table min. but kept winning. I had nice take on the run (+58 units) but I feel like the odds of winning 13 hands in a row must be astronomical, especially when it's bookend'd by negative counts on both sides. How do you calculate the odds, if possible? PS: I was not a math major
Back in my 'negative expectation days' (AKA-the Darkside) of using BS with a positive betting progression this streak would have made a killing:grin: (but of course I would have given it back rather quickly at that time as well).
Thank you in advance and, may the force of +var be with you.
Back in my 'negative expectation days' (AKA-the Darkside) of using BS with a positive betting progression this streak would have made a killing:grin: (but of course I would have given it back rather quickly at that time as well).
Thank you in advance and, may the force of +var be with you.