Die Beste Poker Hand
Toward the end of the European Poker Tour Dublin festival that wrapped up last week, Day 2 of the Main Event had ended early giving myself and a few dozen others a chance to participate in the. Beste en Ergste Hands in Texas Hold'em Poker. Die vyf beste beginhande in Texas Hold'em poker is pare aces, konings, koninginne, jacks en die ace-king-kombinasie. Dit is hande met die beste kans om te wen as dit gespeel word. Die slegste aanvangshande sluit die gevreesde 7-2-offsuit-kombinasie in, met die pas 7-2 net effens beter. Die boek vertel wat sy leer in die proses, nie net oor poker nie, maar oor die lewe. Die les wat my die meeste tref is dat geluk eintlik ‘n baie klein deeltjie van sukses is. Die ekonoom Ingo Fiedler het honderde-duisende pokerrondtes bestudeer en tot die verrassende gevolgtrekking gekom dat die beste hand net 12% van die keer wen.
Die Beste Poker Hand Game
“What is the best starting hand in Pot Limit Omaha?” is something I get asked a lot and unlike in No Limit Hold Em the answer isn’t actually as immediately obvious, this is because in Omaha hands almost always see a flop and so their absolute pre-flop equity is not nearly as important; additionally hand values run a lot closer together in general, meaning however strong a starting hand you have it’s a lot easier for your opponent to out flop your holding. With that said it is generally agreed that AAKK double suited is the best hand you could hope to get dealt in PLO:
That said, the key to a great starting hand in Pot Limit Omaha is floppability, a clumsy term, I know, but forgive me for a moment. It’s important to realise the *reason* why AAKK double suited is the best starting hand. It’s not because it has AA in it, that’s really only a big advantage if you can get most of your money in pre-flop, no the reason it’s the best hand is because it can flop either the nuts in lots of different ways or it can flop draws to the nuts.
Here are a few flops that As Ks Ad Kd could hit where you’d usually be super happy to get your money in even when you’re playing with a deep stack and the pot is small on the flop:

You’ve flopped top set, if you can get it in here you’re almost always going to be a favourite.
you have two overpairs the nut flush draw and a gutshot, getting all in on this kind of a board is always going to be good for you. Even in a worst case scenario and you’re against QQxx you’re going to be roughly a coinflip. In all other situations you’ll range from a clear favourite to a huge favourite. In spots like this the value of having the nut flush draw is extremely important. You’ll often get it in against a hand like 89TJ with the same flush draw, in this spot you are a massive (for PLO) 75% favourite to win the pot, however if you were to get all in against the very same hand holding AA52 rainbow (all different suits) you’d actually be a 29% underdog! This should clearly demonstrate the value of “Good aces” versus “Bad aces”, with a hand like AAKKds you will flop opportunities to get lots of money in with great equity far more often!
Again you’ve flopped an overpair and the nut flush draw. In situations like this you will normally be very happy getting money in, especially against an aggressive opponent. Just imagine he is holding Q875 for top two pair, he excitedly gets all his money in, putting you on an overpair, well in this situation you’re actually a 54% favourite, against other hands he might be shoving, like top pair + a lower flush draw you’ll have your opponent absolutely crushed!
What I’m trying to illustrate here is that by reraising pre-flop and playing AAKKds fast and aggressively you will flop a lot of good situations to get a lot of money in, on the other hand consider the following:
Although this is still a premium hand in the right circumstances it’s actually extremely difficult to make a lot of money with if you’re playing a cash game with deep stacks. Why? Because unless you flop top set it’s going to be almost impossible to play. Take this hand up against the 3 situations I posted above, only the the 1st situation (flopping the top set) will this hand play well, in the other two you will likely get money in a huge underdog. Secondly in the first situation you are twice as likely to flop top set because you have KK as your backup, with 8d 2h as your backup cards you’ll be rooting for a miracle to improve your hand.
If you can get 40% of your total stack in before the flop with any AAxx hand then you should do so and stack off on most flops, if however you are playing with deep stacks, either in a tournament or a cash game, you should understand the value of coordinated hands that will make you draws to the nuts.
So with that theory out of the way I hope you have a better idea of what kinds of hands you should consider the crème da la crème of pot limit omaha and why. Here are the complete top 10 omaha starting hands, as you look at them consider the many flops where they can flop big draws to the nuts or 2nd nuts and how coordinated the hands are. Remember Tc Jc Qd Kd is much, much, much stronger than Tc Jc Qd 4h:
Ace Ace King King Double suited |
Ace Ace Jack Ten Double Suited |
Ace Ace Queen Queen Double Suited |
Ace Ace Jack Jack Double Suited |
Ace Ace Ten Ten Double Suited |
Ace Ace Nine Nine Double Suited |
Jack Ten Nine Eight Double Suited |
King King Queen Queen Double Suited |
King Queen Jack Ten Double Suited |
King King Jack Jack Double Suited |
From this I’m sure you can begin to formulate in your mind what the next 20 or 30 strongest hands might be. Remember to get AAKKds in PLO is much rarer that getting dealt AA in No Limit Hold Em. Because of this you’ll usually be seeing a flop with at least the top 50 or so hands you could be dealt if you’re playing a ring game and a much wider range again in a heads up match.
I hope this has been of help and I’ll see you next time!
Poker in Texas is hot right now. Over the past year, poker clubs have sprung up across the state, and despite operating in a bit of a grey area, the Lone Star State industry continues to grow.
That includes a WPT DeepStacks stop coming to Houston’s FreeRolls Poker Club, which opened last month and has already established itself as a leader in the Texas poker market. The $1,000 buy-in, $100K GTD WPT DeepStack Houston Main Event will run from September 26 – October 2.
'One day I totally flipped the current poker model from making money from members to making money because of the members.'
FreeRolls is unique in that they don’t charge any fees beyond membership. That means no rake, no seat rentals and no illegal tipping. As long as clubs don’t make money directly from poker, it is legal in Texas, or so club owners believe.
Despite others, like Houston City Councilman Greg Travis who said on a radio show that he believed Texas poker clubs are “illegal under Texas law,” the clubs continue to operate. Not only that, they’re making moves.
Die Beste Poker Hands
For instance, FreeRolls Poker Club has introduced a new advertising model in which they will air commercials at the poker table and are also seeking investors after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) passed the JOBS Act, which allows for small companies to raise capital from the public via crowdfunding portals like growthfountain.com.
PokerNews recently spoke with Trent Daniel, business development director of FreeRolls, to delve a little deeper into poker in Texas.
PokerNews: What inspired Freerolls Poker Club to seek investors?
Daniel: Generally speaking, prior to the JOBS Act, small companies with great ideas like FreeRolls struggled to raise capital because of limitations on how an investment opportunity could be marketed to potential investors. Now, it is a whole different day because public solicitation and online crowdfunding are legal as long as certain rules are followed.
While the number of investors and momentum is still growing, many of our investments coming in are as little as $100 … [Our] business model is easily expandable and becomes more valuable as we open new locations across the State and into other states with laws similar to Texas. We did not create FreeRolls to be a single club - we created it as an expandable concept through franchising and licensing.
Does the current legal landscape in Texas concern you at all?
FreeRolls is an investable business because our model follows the laws of Texas without trying to squeak through loopholes and murky waters. To us and our legal counsel, the laws are very clear about what can and cannot be done with a poker club.
Until the Texas AG issues an opinion on poker clubs in the State, there will always be a debate as to whether many of the clubs operating are legal … While we support and hope for the success of every poker club, we do agree with the District Attorney of Harris County that many of the poker clubs operating in the city are operating 'on the razor's edge of the law.' At FreeRolls, we don't believe in 'razor's edge' or 'narrow paths' when it comes to running a business because a growth model is hard to follow if you are not sure if your doors will be open the next day.
Running ads/commercials at a poker table is a relatively new concept. How did this idea come about?
The advertising idea was one of my 'in the shower' epiphanies that I get from time to time. My partners and I had already been discussing how to build a poker club without operating within a 'loophole' in the law but we struggled to find a way. Then one day I totally flipped the current poker model from making money from members to making money because of the members.
'We did not create FreeRolls to be a single club - we created it as an expandable concept through franchising and licensing.'
My marketing and PR background enabled us to conclude that the real value in having a bunch of people sitting around our club for hours at a time was that they are a totally captive audience and that is how the idea of integrating ads into the tables came to be.
How will the ads work at the table?
While I cannot divulge the inner workings of exactly how we are able to deliver ads to the tables, I can say that our partnership with Amazon Cloud services has made the process cost-effective, streamlined and easily expandable.
One thing that I can tell you is that we are currently in development of a new software system that will allow us to deliver interactive ads to our players based on the member profiles. We expect to launch this program by the time we host the WPTDeepstacks event in September. From an investor standpoint, this is very exciting because our ads rates will go up substantially as we will be enabled to deliver dynamic, demographic focused ads to on our system.
Have you sold any ads? What sort of businesses are taking advantage?
We have booked over 35 advertisers who are currently onboard and we expect to have over 100 by the end of September. Our focus from now until WPTDeepstacks™ Houston is local advertisers but once we have a solid six months of provable traffic through the clubs, we will focus on regional and national ad contracts.
Earlier this month Houston City Councilman Greg Travis said poker clubs are “illegal under Texas law.” Does Freerolls Poker Club have a response?
We do agree with him on several key components as to why he believes Texas poker clubs are illegal. We believe that charging players money to sit at the poker table is illegal and we know that dealers making tips from it is illegal.
'We have booked over 35 advertisers who are currently onboard and we expect to have over 100 by the end of September.'
Our best response is to invite Councilman Travis and any of his colleagues to our club so we can sit down with them and show clearly how FreeRolls has succeeded not only in building the better mousetrap, but also one that complies with Texas law.
We have nothing to hide and that is why we are doing a public fundraiser, are partners with the World Poker Tour and are now official fundraising partners for Wounded Warrior Project that services our military brothers and sisters injured in the line of duty.
We also are an official fundraising partner with Texas Brotherhood ride that supports families of fallen first responders. Each week we donate to these organizations and will continue to use the FreeRolls model as something that can enhance the experience of life in the city of Houston and the great State of Texas.
Die Beste Poker Hand Held
Images courtesy of Freerolls Poker Club.
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DeepStacks Poker TourPoker and the LawPoker BusinessPoker TablesRelated Tournaments
DeepStacks Poker Tour